Grace is as a ground control.

Grace is as a ground control continually guides a plane back on course when it wavers dt to storm or wind.

Legalism is as if ground control says..we told you not to go that you are doomed.

Satan is continually throwing legalism at us as if he is God.
It is written..
Satan is the accuser of the brethren..
Accusing the saints before God night and day.

We overcome Satan by the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb.

Aren’t you glad of God’s amazing grace.

Peace..I am glad you are here.
God bless you every one.

Forgiving is an act of mercy..

Forgiving is an act of mercy..
When God forgave me was an act of mercy..

To Forgive does not deny the offence..
It acknowledges it..then forgives the trespass.

When I forgive’s the same.
It’s an act of mercy in me.

If I don’t forgive..I can only become a vessel of wrath for the wrong done me.
In forgiving…I become a vessel of mercy.

Scripture says..a vessel of wrath is fit only for the fire..

A vessel of mercy is fit for everlasting life.

It’s a personal choice to forgive.
It’s an act of mercy.

Peace..I am glad you are here.
Kandy Hobdy

Half baked.

Half baked.

Have you ever eaten a cake or pancake that was not yet fully cooked..
Not tasty huh?
Well it’s not good to judge the quality of that cake right’s not fully baked..yet.

We, as people are all like that..
Half baked..not done..not finished.’s foolishness to judge any person you meet today or any day..they aren’t done either..
They are half baked..yet.

Also.. your aptitude for judging is not fully developed yet either..
It’s half baked..
Don’t lay it out as fully capable..til it is.
Peace.. I am glad you are here.
Kandy Hobdy