Song I wrote..God is a Just Judge.


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Shining a light in the darkness soldier.

Yeshua came to shine a light in the darkness.
In Acts 1:1,2 it is written He began to do and teach.
It is written ..we will do greater things than these.
It is written..teach men who will teach men.
It is written..The valley of the shadow of death is where light seems as darkness and darkness as light.
It is written..we are to reprove (expose) works of darkness.
We are to shine a light into the dark.
Peace soldier of God and heaven,
I am glad you are here.
Kandy Hobdy

Pioneer and Soldier.

Your pain is your battlefield.
When you call on the name of Jesus
And He fills your Spirit with His anointing,
He has equipped you to take the enemy out and down there in that pain place.
Then you have paved a path for others to follow. Loved ones will be able to follow clearly.
Peace my friend..I am glad you are here.

A Worthy App

I can recommend the daily devotional app

“A Stream in the Desert.” App.

You can get a free version at the Play Store.

If you will helps and helped me.


Peace dear soldier..I am glad you are here.