Enter into His Presence.

Psalm 100:4King James Version (KJV)

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Has it occurred to you that thanksgiving and praise opens the gate to the court.

That it has that kind of spiritual power?

Peace.. I am glad you are here..

And thankful.


The Case For Why God Is Funny.

I plan to present my evidence here..

I was not funny for the first forty years if my life.  My son..who is about the funniest person I know told me he studied comedians is how he got funny.

So..I set out to find out what made people laugh..

I came to this conclusion..three things.

One..kid humour..potty humour..like on America’s funniest home videos..everyone laughs when somebody gets scared..even when the cat jumps..it’s funny.

Two..a play on words or concepts we didn’t see coming..as a writer..I appreciate this a lot..


Truth makes us laugh..check it out and see..next time you laugh..why did you laugh..

Now..my conclusion..

Who created Truth….  God.

So..my case is made for God is funny.
Now the devil..he is not funny.

Peace..God bless your day to be funny today.

I am glad you are here.

Kandy Kay Hobdy