A Popular Sin.

Sexual immorality is the popularly accepted sin of the hour. As you proceed through this river of popularity.. Your choices will reveal your true colors to all in the end..when this popularity wanes and another sin becomes the accepted of the day.
The battle to be like Jesus Christ is more valuable than so many realize in this current day and age.
Peace..may God lead you in battle.
I am glad you are here.

Shall He not see?

Shall he not see?
You violent one..
The One who made eyes..
Shall He not see?

Shall He not see?
You heavy ladened
Christian soldier
Bulking under a burden
Of love ..
The One who made eyes..
Shall He not see?

Shall He not see to it
When the season has come..
To place the goats on His left..
And the sheep on His right?

Don’t be as amiss in how you see our Lord.
He does see.
Kandy Kay Hobdy