I am Spiritual. Witch or Christian?

Do you know the difference between a witch and a those that follow Jesus?
Those that follow Christ, yield their own will to the Father..
Those that are witches attempt to force the Father to yield to their will.
Both are spiritual.
The Bible says when we are drawn away to sin we are drawn away by “our” own lusts.
The devil can only get any leverage when we are selfish..wanting our own way.
The minute we yield to the Lords way..all bets are off.

As in..
Woman thou art loosed.
I am
glad you are here.

True North.

Thought of the day…
Truth is not in consensus..
Truth Is in the Lord God.

Let me elaborate…

There is safety in numbers for many reasons…
One being, many people can bring more facts and a greater breadth of perspective.
Yet no amount if people have all the facts that the Creator has.
So yes, respect other peoples knowledge, if proven true.
But only use the Truth of God as your measuring stick, as your true north, as your tuning fork.
Peace, my friend,
I am
glad you are here.