The Light Under The Door

The Light Under The Door

To teach a child not to be afraid of the dark.. teach them to look at the most light they can see and stare at it. This makes the whole room seem brighter and less scary.
As adults dealing with terrorism in our world..This advice also is valid. Don’t stare at the dark news of terrorism trying to blanket our world. Stare at the light under the door..Jesus Christ. Study scripture..Look at the beauty of the firmament..His handiwork.carry a scripture with you..Study on it through the day. Hum a gospel or praise song. Give thanks and gratitude for every little thing.
Each of these things are a light under the dark door.
As we stare at the light, we magnify the light.
It changes everything.

Peace and God bless,
I am glad you are here.

Rightly dividing the Word of God..How?

Rightly dividing the Word of God.

What does that mean?

It’s semantics.

Discerning the “meaning”

Of a scripture.

How is it done?

By studying the Word of God.

A little here..

A little there..

Line upon line..

Precept upon precept.

Comparing scriptures with each other..We gather the meaning of other scriptures.

Study my friend..

Meditate upon the Law of God…

The scriptures..

Study To show thyself approved unto God. 

You will become workman that needeth not to be ashamed.


I am glad you are here.


The Case For Why God Is Funny.

I plan to present my evidence here..

I was not funny for the first forty years if my life.  My son..who is about the funniest person I know told me he studied comedians is how he got funny.

So..I set out to find out what made people laugh..

I came to this conclusion..three things.

One..kid humour..potty on America’s funniest home videos..everyone laughs when somebody gets scared..even when the cat’s funny.

Two..a play on words or concepts we didn’t see a writer..I appreciate this a lot..


Truth makes us laugh..check it out and time you laugh..why did you laugh.. conclusion..

Who created Truth….  God. case is made for God is funny.
Now the devil..he is not funny.

Peace..God bless your day to be funny today.

I am glad you are here.

Kandy Kay Hobdy 

Stepford Christians

There are no Stepford Christians in heaven..( referencing the movie The Stepford Wives).
When you meet a true have just met a very unique individual.
Born of the Spirit of God..yet..expressed individually..perfectly as God sees fit to create and develop.
I am glad you are here..
And God bless.

Life Is An Epic

Life is an epic.

The apostles are superheros with special powers. ie spiritual gifts..given by God.

We are called to follow the highest Jesus become like him..

And be our part in this epic He created.

Soldiers picked by him. Gifted by His Spirit. To do the work set for us by Him.

Will you choose Him.

See Acts 2:38

To be saved.


I am glad you are here.


We are Children of God

We have been given the power to become the sons of God.
John 1:12 many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name:
Romans 8:14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

God bless..
I am glad you are here..