Clues about the supernatural world.

Have you ever read
Luke 9:30 and 31.
In the transfiguration of Jesus on the mount..
Moses and Elijah spoke with Jesus of His departure He was to accomplish in Jerusalem.
think of the implications of this…
Moses and Elijah knew of what was to transpire.
they were in the old testament..
this occurrence is in the new testament..
they had already gone on..but here they were..
and they knew heavenly things..
the apostles knew who they were.
think about what those facts imply.
the Bible is full of clues about how the supernatural world works.
food for thought.

peace, i am
glad you are here.

One Spirit,God is love. God is a Spirit.

God is the Spirit from the beginning,
The Spirit that was in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit which is in the Believers who have turned from sin and obeyed the Word of God, turning from sin and asking Jesus to be their savior.

Only one God..only one Spirit..only one Savior.


Peace, I am

Glad you are here.